I am so excited about this product, I was so intimidated to try out etching in my glass projects until now. Thanks to Barbee the "etchall lady" I received the Etchall® Etching Cream which inc luded a squeegee, etchall etchmask, and a craft knife. I love creating all types of craft, but my two favorite things to make are, jewelry and flowers, so I decided to make both. This product is so simple to use, I know I will be using this from now on, specially since this cream can be re-used over and over again, this I feel is a plus. Here is my project, a glass pendant with an etched flower. Once I selected the glass piece to use, I drew my flower on paper for perfect fit, then after cutting the etchall etchmask to size, I drew the flower on the back and used the handy craft knife to cut it out. ...