Resin, resin, resin, so much fun!!!
I'm a guest designer over at and have been working with all their different products. I love everything so far, yes I have learned to make molds, to play with clear and casting resin, to use dyes and metallic powders, it has been a very amazing experience. I love that I can use these products in many other ways, not just making molds and pouring resin to make objects. I hate wasting, so in the process of learning how to use resin, I had some spillage here and there and once the resin was dried in the plastic cup I was using, I found it it comes right off, in the shape of the bottom of the cup, and is so easy to cut, so I've kept a few to use later on. Well this past weekend I felt like playing around with some of the resin and some of the stuff I've done already, so I made these two images to be used as Halloween cards, but after looking at them for a bit longer, I think I might convert these into Halloween frames or ...