Finally - One paint that does it all

I've always wished there was a paint that did it all- finally Plaid did it..... I have paints for wood, fabric, and everything else - so I have a lot of different brands because I LOVE to paint - I like all different types of crafts - but I have to admit that painting is second to jewelry making - but just the same I love to be able to paint everything I can paint - that includes my polymer clay beads -

Ok so I purchased a few of the new plaid paints - got some red glitter, and some gold metalic paints and as I was working with some duck tape - just making a small pouch to keep some of my new special pens by "prismacolor". I used black and white duck tape and I decided to try the new paints just to see how great they are on duck tape.  So I painted the black duck tape with the red glitter paint first - after it dried which didn't take too long so it was pretty cool to not have to wait long - I then took the gold paint and just dry brushed some areas of the tape - I didn't want to cover all the pretty red glitter. I have to admit I like how it looks - here are a couple of pictures of my pen pouch - I like the end result and I can see myself buying these paints to use with my duck tape - next I will be making a bag - I was asked to make a canvas bag for a teacher - and I already know I will be using plaid's new paints - once I get this bag done I will post a tutorial on the bag - till then - hope you give these paints a try - I still will have some of my favorite tulip paints but I know I will be getting a lot of these - I will definitely try them on glass!!!


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