Now, I'm not much into dressing up anymore, so this year I decided to make some jewelry for Halloween.  I  had some shrinkable plastic in different colors, so I made a couple of witch's hats in black and a broom in brown.  
Funny thing is that when I did my nails with OPI's glow in the dark nail polish, I decided to use it on my hats and the broom stick - I really liked how these came out.  

I love using Viva Decor paints so I used their glitter pens in purple and copper to add some glitter to the earrings and the ring.  
I use Aleene's Super Gel in my jewelry making, it holds really fast, I was glad to see it in a pen on my last trip to Michael's Craft store.  

I had several jewelry findings from Plaids in black so I used them to make this fun set.

Products used and all purchased at Michael's and JoAnn'

Plaid's jewelry findings ( JoAnn's  store)
OPI glow in the darn nail polish (hair cuttery)
Shrinky Dinks & Aleene's Super Gel Pen Adhesive (Michael's store)
Westcot's scissors
Heat gun  from Ranger


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